Professional Experience [LinkedIn]

Assistant Professor

Employer: Boise State University
Location: Boise, ID, USA
Date: 07/2023 - present

Ph.D. Software Engineer Intern

Employer: Uber Technologies, Inc.
Location: Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Date: 05/2022 - 08/2022
Mentor: Dr. Qi Wei

Algorithms and Advanced Analytics Intern

Employer: Roche Diabetes Care, Inc.
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Date: 05/2021 - 07/2021
Mentor: Dr. Siva Chittajallu

Research Intern

Employer: The Min H. Kao Department of EE & CS, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Location: Knoxville, TN, USA
Date: 06/2020 - 08/2020
Mentor: Dr. Dali Wang

Foreign Exchange Trading Specialist

Employer: China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Date: 01/2014 - 07/2016

Professional Skills

Programming Languages:



Soft Skills:

Teaching and Mentoring Experience


Course: CS533 Introduction to Data Science, Boise State (Fall 2023)

Teaching Assistant

Course: CSCI58000 Algorithm, IUPUI (Spring 2019 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021)

Course: CSCI54900 Intelligent Systems, IUPUI (Fall 2020)

Course: CSCI57300 Data Mining, IUPUI (Fall 2019)


Program: Data Science Research Experience for Undergraduates (DSREU) (Summer 2019)


Academic Community Services